Privacy policy and data protection

The website is published by Nobiis Groupe (Nobiis), a company whose registered office is in Valmondois, 95760. Nobiis is committed to the protection of personal data. This Personal Data Protection Policy (the “Policy”) sets out the commitments that Nobiis, as data controller, has made to ensure that your personal data is protected. Through this Policy, Nobiis also wishes to make it clear to you how your personal data is collected and used when you, as a User, register on our Site to take advantage of the Services described in the Nobiis General Terms and Conditions of Service (the “GTCS”) of which the Policy forms an integral part. Capitalised terms refer to the definition set out in the TOS.

Nobiis may make changes to this Policy from time to time, including as a result of changes in relevant legislation or changes in the structure of the company. Generally, the Privacy Policy is always readily available on the Site.

What data is processed?

Nobiis takes care to collect only data that is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is being processed.

When collecting your data through a questionnaire, the compulsory nature of the information provided is indicated by an asterisk or other equivalent procedure. Failure to provide this information will result in Nobiis being unable to process your request. We do not collect all of this data for each of our offers, some of the data collected is specific to certain disputes. 

The information that may be collected is as follows 

your identity (surname, first name, maiden name, place of residence, nationality, profession, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, civil status, place of birth, 

relevant information about your existing business. 

Other data may be contained in the supporting documents of the File.  

In order to comply with the principle of data minimisation (Article 5.1.c. of the General Data Protection Regulation) Nobiis reminds you that it is important to communicate, via the free text fields, only the data strictly necessary to generate the documents. In particular, the User should refrain from providing data that is deemed to be “sensitive” or not fit for purpose. 

For security purposes and in order to limit the number of daily registrations by the same user, the IP address of the Users is also recorded. This data is never used to identify the User by name or to profile him/her, but only to protect the site and its Users.

For what purposes are personal data processed?

The processing carried out by Nobiis has an explicit, legitimate and specific purpose, which is based on the execution of the contract, the fulfilment of a legal or regulatory obligation or your consent.

The collection of this Data is compulsory and is subject to automated processing for the purposes of accessing the Services and managing and administering the accounts of Users registered on the Site.

The provision and processing of the Data requested by Nobiis is necessary for the provision of the Nobiis Services and/or to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements to which Nobiis is subject. Other than in these cases, Nobiis will not collect any data without your prior consent.

Nobiis collects and uses your personal data in connection with your access to the Site and for the purposes of providing the Services described in the Terms and Conditions of Service and in particular

  • generating operational documents by combining technological tools with personalised advice;
  • generate legal documents by combining technological tools and personalised advice;
  • ensuring the quality and security of the Services;

Who is the recipient of the information we collect?

Nobiis may share your personal data with its technical service providers and partners, whose involvement is strictly necessary to fulfil any of the above purposes. Nobiis ensures that these third parties handle your data in a way that guarantees its integrity, confidentiality and security.

Your data will not be transferred for purposes other than those described in this Policy, subject to your consent, which may be withdrawn at any time.

How long will personal information be kept?

Your personal data may be retained for the period necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected as mentioned below.

Data is kept according to the following cycle:

The data necessary for the creation of the file, the execution of the service and the follow-up of the file are kept for 2 years after the last interaction of the user with our applications. This period is reduced to 1 year when the User has not finalised his/her file.

Access to this data is then reduced for a period of 3 years: archived in a partitioned environment, only a limited number of administrators can access it. 

After this period, the data is anonymised for the purposes of statistical analysis or research and development, with the exception of those necessary to comply with the legal obligation to retain data, in particular the invoices issued by the Company to the Client. 

How is the data secured?

Nobiis ensures the security of your data by implementing enhanced data protection through the use of physical and logical security measures to ensure the integrity of your data and its confidential and secure processing.

Use of cookies

In the course of using the Service, cookies are deposited. The conditions of operation and use of these cookies are described in the Cookie Management Policy.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

In the course of providing the Services, the processing referred to above may involve transfers of personal data to countries outside the European Union, whose legislation on the protection of personal data differs from that of the European Union.

In this case, a precise and demanding framework, in line with the models adopted by the European Commission, as well as appropriate security measures, ensure the protection of the personal data transferred. Any transfers of personal data made necessary shall take place under conditions and safeguards which ensure the integrity, confidentiality and security of such data. As such, Nobiis implements all appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal data.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

In accordance with Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, you have the following rights in relation to your data:

– Right of access ; 

– Right to rectification and erasure; Right to limit processing; Right to access; Right to privacy; 

– Right to limitation of processing; 

– Right to data portability; 

– Right to object; 

– Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing; 

– Right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal of consent; and 

– Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in France: the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (“CNIL”).

Customers may at any time request access to, rectification of, or deletion of their personal data or restrict the processing of any information collected by us. To enable us to keep personal data up to date, we recommend that Users inform us of any changes or inaccuracies. In order to view and/or amend their personal data, receive information about how long Nobiis intends to keep it, or if they have any queries about the possible storage or processing of their personal data, Users may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following email address: The Company will endeavour to respond to the request as soon as possible and, in any event, within the time limits set out in the applicable laws and regulations.